Gamblin Oil Paint 1980. Artist Maria Ansh

“The Bird Catcher’s Pocket”

“The Bird Catcher’s Pocket” (06.05.21 — 26.05.21)Personal exhibition “The Bird Catcher’s Pocket” in Prima Gallery....
Gamblin Oil Paint 1980. Artist Maria Ansh

Naïve Labyrinths.

Naïve Labyrinths. (18.10.20 — 18.11.20)The exhibition “Naïve Labyrinths” opened at Artplay Design Center. The project...
Gamblin Oil Paint 1980. Artist Maria Ansh

Персональная выставка «Время призраков»

“Ghost Time” (25.08.22 — 05.09.22) Artists, Kitakima and Maria Ansh, created a comfortable “field” for reflection,...
Gamblin Oil Paint 1980. Artist Maria Ansh

Интерьер 2022

Дизайнер: Анна Зуева. Стилист: Кира Прохорова. Фото: Сергей Ананьев
Gamblin Oil Paint 1980. Artist Maria Ansh

Искусство в интерьере

Gamblin Oil Paint 1980. Artist Maria Ansh

Текст о творчестве

Текст искусствоведа, культуролога, куратора артпроектов Галины Мажейкиной
Gamblin Oil Paint 1980. Artist Maria Ansh

Картина «Кувшинки»

Gamblin Oil Paint 1980. Artist Maria Ansh

Картинка «Против ветра»

Gamblin Oil Paint 1980. Artist Maria Ansh

Photo Kitakima

Художник Китакима создаёт новый арт-объект «Пизанская башня» в своей мастерской. Трудоемкая работа с алюминием...
Gamblin Oil Paint 1980. Artist Maria Ansh

100 portrets

Gamblin Oil Paint 1980. Artist Maria Ansh

Paintings in Prima Gallery

A collaboration with Prima Gallery. View a selection of paintings from travel experiences from April 24 through May...
Gamblin Oil Paint 1980. Artist Maria Ansh

Exhibition “Bird catcher’s pocket”

First personal exhibition.
Gamblin Oil Paint 1980. Artist Maria Ansh


It’s a 10-minute walk to the store, but with the phone 30… There’s a lot of abandoned houses in the photo collection.
Gamblin Oil Paint 1980. Artist Maria Ansh

Pavlovka village

It’s a good thing I didn’t have a camera at a young age when I first began to realize the beauty and power of this...
Gamblin Oil Paint 1980. Artist Maria Ansh

When the Earth was flat. Gennady Rukavitsa

A great joy to find, that art that reflects in you. Keeps pace with the current times. But most importantly, one that...