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Искусство в интерьере. Artist Maria Ansh

Текст о творчестве

Текст искусствоведа, культуролога, куратора артпроектов Галины Мажейкиной
Искусство в интерьере. Artist Maria Ansh

Картина «Кувшинки»

Искусство в интерьере. Artist Maria Ansh

Картинка «Против ветра»

Искусство в интерьере. Artist Maria Ansh

Photo Kitakima

Художник Китакима создаёт новый арт-объект «Пизанская башня» в своей мастерской. Трудоемкая работа с алюминием...
Искусство в интерьере. Artist Maria Ansh

100 portrets

Искусство в интерьере. Artist Maria Ansh

Paintings in Prima Gallery

A collaboration with Prima Gallery. View a selection of paintings from travel experiences from April 24 through May...
Искусство в интерьере. Artist Maria Ansh

Exhibition “Bird catcher’s pocket”

First personal exhibition.
Искусство в интерьере. Artist Maria Ansh


It’s a 10-minute walk to the store, but with the phone 30… There’s a lot of abandoned houses in the photo collection.
Искусство в интерьере. Artist Maria Ansh

Pavlovka village

It’s a good thing I didn’t have a camera at a young age when I first began to realize the beauty and power of this...
Искусство в интерьере. Artist Maria Ansh

When the Earth was flat. Gennady Rukavitsa

A great joy to find, that art that reflects in you. Keeps pace with the current times. But most importantly, one that...
Искусство в интерьере. Artist Maria Ansh

Good actors in life

There is such a wonderful film biography “David Lynch: Life in Art” 2016. In the film, D. Lynch said that he lived...
Искусство в интерьере. Artist Maria Ansh

Oil pastel and abrasive paper

Искусство в интерьере. Artist Maria Ansh

Film Photography

The thing is, I liked the atmosphere of the film camera. And I’m not alone in the 21st century, there are many of us!...
Искусство в интерьере. Artist Maria Ansh

The artist’s approach

I had a lot of experience with artists. There were times when I didn’t understand, struggled, and proved my point.The...
Искусство в интерьере. Artist Maria Ansh

Painting restoration

Painting restoration. I got this order because there was a framing shop near my work. A man came to them with...